Select an item and dive into the topic that you are interested in.

The GDPR, as well as national laws, indicate the obligation to inform the recipients about the data processing which occurs with the sending of the communication. The solution is simple and provide the inclusion of an information in the footer of the message that contains:

1. A statement that informs the data processing in progress.

2. A brief explanation of why you are doing it.

Instructions to request the data you possess, to request the removal from the list (unsubscribe) and in general to access your rights (access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, opposition to processing, portability).

The sending of the information regarding the processing of personal data (GDPR for Europe and / or National Laws), while remaining in full compliance with the law, allows companies wide margins on the choice of content and creativity. The request for the consent of sending promotional material is when:

You can


Describe your company and the reason for your interest.

Introduce the product or service you're going to propose into possible further communications

If you want, already from the subject you can send the mail to a manager or a particular department.

Characterize the message with your corporate image

Allow more insights through a link to your website or product/service

Include all the ways in which you can be contacted

Enter all your company's identification data (address, telephone, fax, e-mail, website) that must be precise, up-to-date and active.

Always enter a link for unsubscription. The process must be easy, free and fast.

Do not share the recipient's information with third parties. Otherwise ask the users consent.

Define the period within which the data treatment will become effective: no limit is officially established, but we recommend to contain it within a reasonable time if there is no interest in the communication subject.






Other using tips:

1. Is not allowed to send communications from anonymous or hidden email address.

2. Check if the size of your message not overload the recipient's mailbox.

Always enter the subject of your communication clearly indicating its purpose.

Do not insert attachments. If you need to provide a file to your reader, enter a link to easily access the resource.

5. Keep the nature of your message purely informative, limiting commercial emphasis: the result will be a coherent information, without commercial persuasion

6. The disclosure regarding the data processing must be communicated to the recipient by telephone, e-mail or fax

7. Remember that the telephone contacts entered in the PostATarget databases are not checked, as the duration of their verification is limited in time and should therefore be performed if necessary. For telemarketing operations it's therefore necessary to contact a qualified operator in the Register of Oppositions in your contacts country (at this link you'll find the operators list for Italy) to check how many of them have previously opposed to the treatment of the telephone reference. For more information contact us.

After at least 6 months of your purchase you can request an update.

Updating your database includes the supply of complementary records.

The Datatarget database includes only Italian and foreign companies or professionals who have freely disclosed their contact details (electronic or otherwise) by providing them directly or by publishing them in public directories, internet pages or other IT and non-IT materials.

As confirmed in the General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR), in specific measures of the Privacy Guarantor and the National Laws, B2B communications between companies, in consideration of the fundamental principles that protect the free circulation of goods and services and in consideration of " legitimate interest ", present a very different scenario compared to the B2C communication addressed to individuals.

The data source is composed by companies which were acquired through proprietary modules and companies which comes from high quality sources that complies with the regulation in force (public directories and authorized third parties).

Postatarget informs periodically the companies about the data processing methods, the specific purposes of their use, the guarantees and the legitimate removal procedures, in accordance with the GDPR and the national regulations concerning the protection of personal data.

Whatever the origin and nature of the data is, the regulations set that the "consent" is not transferable: for this reason to use a database of contacts purchased from third parties, it's necessary the feedback and consent for sending further promotional communications.

The request for consent is part of the Permission Marketing that, while remaining in full compliance with the legislation on Data Protection, allows companies wide margins on the choice of content and creativity.

The Regulation (EU) n. 2016/679 (known as GDPR) also introduced the concept of "legitimate interest" of the holder as a legal basis on which to assess the lawfulness of the processing of personal data adding that "it may be considered legitimate interest to process personal data for direct marketing purposes".

The sending of information regarding the processing of personal data (GDPR for Europe and/or National Laws) in which is required the consent for sending promotional material, is the opportunity to:

 - Describe your company
 - Introduce the product or service you're going to propose into possible further communications
 - Characterize the message with your corporate image
 - Allow more insights through a link to your website or product/service
- Include all the ways in which you can be contacted

We advise you to keep the character of your message purely informative, limiting the commercial emphasis.

No, Datatarget provides only B2B Marketing Databases: Businesses and Freelancers.

Yes, with Datatarget you can increase your database without wasting money.

We match your database with ours, to avoid duplicates.

The service cost may vary depending on records amount. Contact us for a free quote.

You can pay via bank transfer, credit card and PayPal.

The Bounce replacement warranty is valid for 60 days from the purchasing date and cover all permanent errors (non-existent or wrong DNS, general failure).

The replacement warranty does not cover temporary/partial errors (e.g. over quota, spam filter), attributable to server destination filters (mail blocked, spam) or to the size and content of the message (message size, etc.).

To request a replacement, proceed as follows:

Wait at least 10 days of the mailing delivery, to be sure you have recorded all the possible errors.
Enter all the invalid email addresses in a single column of an Excel file.
Send the list through this form https://www.datatarget.uk/assistenza, indicating in the subject field Replacement request – [order code]
Specify in your message the platform you've used for mailing.
Send also a copy of the bounced message through this form https://www.datatarget.uk/assistenza.

Within 10 days the Database Department will check the addresses and confirm the number of inappropriate records that need to be replaced.

The warranty allows you to choose among these compensation options:

- An equal amount of replacement records with the same or different extraction criteria respect to the first supply.

- A coupon of the same value as the addresses to be replaced, with an additional 15% on your next purchase.

- The cancellation and chargeback amount corresponding to non-working records.

Your database will be ready within 3 working days of receiving your payment.

Delivery times may vary depending on the size of the database and the duration of any verification tests.

You can combine the filters as category and geographic criteria

Each contact is checked at least once every 12 months and, regularly, in the 24 hours prior to supply. The percentage of monthly review is 15%.

An internal department carries out daily monitoring through software crosschecks to ensure the existence of the adresses (unknown user, not in DSN, etc.) and their functionality (over quota, spamcop, etc.).

Although the commitment to maintaining accurate the database, there is always a percentage of emails that not work: no marketing database is 100% accurate, but this doesn't mean that we want you to pay for non working addresses.

For this reason, for each one of your purchases is already available a special warranty that provides the replacement of the email addresses or the refund of an amount equal to the "disabled" addresses or a coupon code for your next purchase, of the same amount as the refund increased by 15%.

All that we ask is to provide the addresses with a hard bounce within 60 days from your purchase.
A member of our team will contact you within 10 days.

Each record contains the following data:

Market category
Company name

* data of variable coverage percentage

We prepare the database in XLS format: you can manage the data and you can import it to all the mailing tools available on the market.

Records are divided into columns for each category, so you can order them easily, finding quickly what are you looking for and import only the data you need.

We prepare your database within 3 working days: you'll get the download link into your login area, you can also downlod format already compliant with www.mailmarketing.com, bancomail.it, mailchimp.com

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